Adventures in the Third Dimension

Hi, friends! Long time no blog. Good to be back again! So, as long as I have existed, I have existed in the second dimension. For the longest time, I have wanted to venture into the third, sculptural realm…and last night, I finally did! With the guidance of one very talented and beautiful Heather Gargon, I created this little one.

Pacific Fisher Faux Taxidermy Mount

He’s supposed to be a Pacific Fisher, an endangered California native.

Pacific Fisher Faux Taxidermy Mount

He’s got a genuine amethyst crystal (cut by me, as well) growing from his forehead, there to symbolize how precious his kind are to our ecosystem. I hope to make a series of these little faux taxidermy fellows (rodents, rabbits, insects, amphibians, reptiles – the whole lot) to shed light on our local endangered, and somewhat unnoticed, species.

Pacific Fisher Faux Taxidermy Mount

Pacific Fisher Faux Taxidermy Mount

Though perhaps they aren’t a species one would normally see on a mount, or taxidermied as a trophy – humans are killing them to point of extinction, just as we’ve done to species who are desired by hunters. Though most humans wouldn’t view these creatures as stoic or majestic, or perhaps even worth of hunting, they are crucial to our beautiful state and country.

PaciPacific Fisher Faux Taxidermy Mount

I also hoped to create a three-dimensional representation of my paintings and illustrations ( I believe I accomplished this fairly well, though with time I’m sure I will be more successful. I would love to know what you think! Don’t hesitate to comment or message me!

Thanks for taking the time to look at my FIRST sculpture! I look forward to learning more about materials and techniques, and I hope I can bring a little joy or enlightenment to your day. Blessed be! 

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